Safe & Effective Bed Bathing | ECO Mist Infection Control Benefits

Medstrom is proud to have a diverse base of clinical advisors and managers, with each bring a variety of clinical specialisms and backgrounds to the clinical support available. Amongst the team is Zoe Rushton, who for several years worked within Infection Prevention and Control within the NHS. Hear more from Zoe below as she shares her excitement about Medstrom’s latest innovation, ECO Mist, and how it is revolutionising the bed bathing process for patients, whilst overcoming many of the IPC challenges she identified with the traditional bed bathing method.

IPC Challenges with Traditional Bed Bathing:

The traditional bed bathing method has not changed in hundreds of years and whilst many other clinical practices have advanced, this has remained static. As a result, these are some of the key challenges that were commonly identified during my clinical practice, observing the outdated traditional bed bathing method:

  • Incorrect application/use of antimicrobial bodywashes: The use and variety of antimicrobial bodywashes differs between hospital organisations, however the underlying principle often involved direct application to wet skin, with a designated wait time before rinsing. What we found when they did use the pulp bowls [in a traditional bed bathing process], the antimicrobial wash is applied directly to the water bowl, not only diluting them and losing their effectiveness but also meaning that a true rinse off is never achieved. Given that the wash agent is then being repeatedly applied to the skin.
  • Double dipping of wash cloths and wipes: The double dipping of wash cloths and wipes into water bowls and no throwing them away after use was a common IPC challenge identified with traditional bed bathing methods. This is also one that can significantly increase contamination risk and can be exacerbated due to the pulp bowls themselves, which can be easily spilled or leak around the patient bed space.
Infection Control Benefits of ECO Mist:

“It made me look at the whole process of giving a patient a wash, completely differently.”

ECO Mist Patient Dignity

When I first saw the ECO Mist, I was amazed at how little time the device took to use, whilst still delivering a safe and effective body wash for patients. I see the ECO Mist not only improving the patient experience and dignity during the washing process, but also revolutionising it from an IPC perspective. This includes:

  • Aligning with correct protocols for antimicrobial bodywashes: The ECO Mist simply uses water from an approved water source, stored in the 4L water tank. No detergent or bodywash is applied to the water, instead being reserved for direct application to the patient’s skin after moistening with the ECO Mist and then being rinsed off afterwards. This aligns seamlessly with the correct protocol for antimicrobial bodywash application, ensuring it can be used effectively and where necessary.
  • Consistent and controlled heating: The ECO Mist operates in a similar way to a coffee machine, circulating water continuously around an internal heating element to help achieve a consistent and regulated internal water temperature – in this case 55oC. At this temperature, bacterial growth is inhibited, protecting against known strains such as Legionella and Pseudomonas. Plus, because the water is in constant motion, the water is never stagnant, further removing the risk of bacterial growth.
  • Targeted cleaning: The precision spray via the intuitive water stylus eliminates splash exposure and truly cleans the patient, while keeping wounds and dressings dry and avoiding cross-contamination.
  • Smart self-draining technology: Uniquely, the ECO Mist employs a smart self-draining function at the end of use. During shutdown, the device is entirely drained of any water remaining in the system, returning it to the water tank for disposal. This further protects against bacterial growth inside the device. This is also accompanied by an additional weekly decontamination process that has received outstanding results in independent laboratory tests.
Validated Safety Via Independent Laboratories:

In addition to the points highlighted above, I have been filled with a lot of confidence based on the results we’ve received from Andersen Caledonia – the largest independent sterilisation company in the UK and Ireland whose validation teams test processes in compliance with relevant ISO standards.

Zoe Rushton Infection Control Benefits ECO Mist

They have been able to validate the ECO Mist’s infection prevention credentials and in particular, its effectiveness against Legionella and Pseudomonas via stringent and methodical testing. This includes consistent results of up to Log 4 reductions being achieved against these recognised bacteria, with no bacterial growth being identified. Further details can be obtained by contacting Medstrom’s clinical team.

To discover more about the ECO Mist and to arrange your FREE demonstration, contact us today.