Discover and immersive yourself in the Medstrom Academy; a purpose-built space that showcases Medstrom’s range of solutions that focus on meeting patient, caregiver and Trust/Health board’s key clinical challenges.
This includes the use of:
Leading the way with education and supporting our healthcare professionals, Medstrom are proud to offer a range of free CPD-Accredited courses that can either be facilitated at our Academy or on the road at your hospital. Our courses include:
Medstrom’s very own Clinical Director, Debbie Martindale, has undertaken a master’s degree in Clinical Research to further develop the suite of clinical evidence behind our products. Debbie, who was key in the development of the Medstrom Academy commented:
“We wanted to really immerse people into the individual clinical challenges that confront the NHS every day. Being a very practical and visual learner myself, having the ability to experience a condition or situation from a patient’s perspective, makes learning far more impactful”
If you’d like to visit the Medstrom Academy, including free use of our meeting room facilities, contact