Dolphin Therapy | 5 Key Points from 5000 Patient Outcomes

Medstrom is incredibly proud to have reached another huge milestone in clinical evidence, collecting 5000 patient outcomes for Dolphin Therapy. This unique support surface utilises fluid immersion simulation technology to deliver remarkable benefits for the most clinically complex patients, including pressure ulcer prevention and pressure ulcer treatment, plus additional outcomes such as improved pain management, comfort, sleep, adherence to care and reduced turning frequencies.

Dolphin Therapy is the most evidenced support surface within the UK and Ireland, emphasising it being the only viable ‘step up’ from traditional dynamics. The data collected has been an incredible team effort with support from healthcare professionals in numerous different environments alongside Medstrom’s dedicated team of Clinical Advisors

To help breakdown these 5000 patient outcomes, watch the videos below to discover the 5 key points from Dolphin’s unique body of evidence.

5 Key Points from 5000 Patient Outcomes

I am delighted, that as a team, we have reached 5000 documented patient outcomes for Dolphin Therapy.

The positive outcomes we’ve collected have remained consistent since then too, which is a remarkable accomplishment and an indication of Dolphin’s outstanding and consistent performance as a specialist therapy, rented outside of traditional air mattress provision.

Pressure Ulcer Prevention & Treatment Outcomes

For every patient that goes on Dolphin Therapy, they are categorised as either a prevention patient (no pressure area damage and skin intact) or a treatment patient (present with a pressure ulcer). This video explores the split between these patients in the 5000 patient outcomes for Dolphin Therapy and the outcomes for each patient following their placement on the support surface.

How Can Dolphin Therapy Support Improved Pain Management, Comfort and Sleep?

Besides incredible skin integrity benefits, Dolphin Therapy has been proven to support patients in additional outcome areas, such as pain management, comfort and sleep. This is due to Dolphin’s unique mechanism of action, whereby immersion and envelopment is maximised in a simulated fluid environment.

Hear more as I explain how considerations should be made around the support surface choice as Dolphin Therapy have been evidenced to support reduction in pain and analgesic requirements.

Reducing Turning Frequency with Dolphin Therapy

It’s important to remember that regardless of any support surface type, an optimal repositioning regime should be determined for each individual, taking into account their physical, cognitive and psychological needs.

There will be some patients however where repositioning may be contraindicated or not appropriate. For example, post-cardiac surgery, critical care or end-of-life. For patients in these special circumstances, Dolphin Therapy has been utilised to extend repositioning frequencies.

Reducing Pressure Ulcer Prevalence & Associated Costs (HAPUs)

From July 2022 to March 2024 (600 days), 34% of Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 pressure ulcers (PUs) were hospital-acquired (HAPUs) within the treatment group of patients from the study.

Discover what the savings would be if these treatment patients had been placed on Dolphin Therapy for prevention of skin damage, and 98% of these HAPUs were prevented?