Find your ‘Me’ in Medstrom – Meet Liam

Read the stories of some of our employees and their careers across Medstrom and discover how you can join the team

Collaboration is key

Liam started at Medstrom in September 2020, halfway through the pandemic. He started off as a Night Technician initially. That humble beginning continues to massively inform the way he leads his team at Ebbsfleet as the Service Supervisor, as not only did Liam completely eradicate the night shift at the service centre altogether, he also prioritises cohesion and collaboration amongst his team. He refers to the office as his “second home” and describes a familial energy amongst him and his colleagues – something he keenly maintains with “ice creams on the hot days and biscuits on the cold days”. Connection and camaraderie is the antidote to work that can sometimes be physically demanding and unpredictable, and the healthy respect for autonomy (that as long as your work gets done you’re afforded a lot of freedom) is something he cites as a unique feature of the Medstrom ethos.

Liam in his first role as a Night Technician

“Not only is progression tangible, he describes it as encouraged and facilitated by the management around and above him.”

Something else Liam assigns to Medstrom is the chance for progression, and his story in the company is a prime example. In less than 3 years he has evolved from a Night Technician assisting in the cleaning of products, to a Centre Supervisor responsible for training staff in repairs and implementing new logistical plans. Not only is progression tangible, he describes it as encouraged and facilitated by the management around and above him. The different departments in Medstrom suffer no disparity, and there’s a general attentiveness, trust and loyalty that he notes as rare.

Growth and Progress

When explaining his typical day, Liam describes a day revolving around people. He initially speaks to his staff in the morning to get a sense of what jobs are waiting and to make a plan of what needs to be done that day. He then rotates between communicating with customers and colleagues from his computer, handling payment and logistics data, and providing support and guidance for his staff inside the centre. He also describes the relationship between himself and the other supervisors in the other service centres across the South as incredibly prominent; founded in support and a shared desire to problem solve as quickly and efficiently as possible. Since Liam started, there has been a massive expansion in the service department, with the business having grown by “at least 50%” in the wake of new service centres opening all over the country and the overall volume of output increasing massively. He is proud of the improved efficiency in the cleaning process he has been able to implement, as well as the opportunity to develop a repair-focused approach with the equipment that allows him to draw on his mechanical background from before Medstrom.

“Witnessing the little ways everyone helps each other to make a difficult, stressful situation more human and more bearable remains a highlight of being a member of the service team at Medstrom.”

Teamwork pays off

The sheer variety of Liam’s role stands out to him as one of its most enjoyable features – different faces, different places, different products, and different jobs every day. The spontaneity has led to some profound experiences – Liam recounts stories of being clapped by nurses as he’s delivered and installed equipment, speaking to thankful parents when he dropped off a specialist bed for a newborn baby that had come out of surgery at Great Ormond Street. The warmth of the intimately caring relationships he’s built with ward staff and the interactions with grateful patients have not worn off; witnessing the little ways everyone helps each other to make a difficult, stressful situation more human and more bearable remains a highlight of being a member of the service team at Medstrom, as does the sensation of knowing that your speedy problem solving and reaction time has played an instrumental part in assisting ward staff, relieving family members and making a patient more comfortable.

If you recognise yourself in Liam’s story and you’re interested in joining the Medstrom family, please click here to go to our Careers page and find out more.