Mental Health Awareness Week – Meet Our First Aiders

In aid of mental health awareness week, we caught up with some of Medstrom’s Mental Health First Aider team. Continue reading to discover what being involved with this initiative means to them, as well as their own top tips for raising awareness and taking care of yourself.

Medstrom's Mental Health First Aiders - Introductions

Q1: What does it mean to be a Mental Health First Aider?

JD: I really appreciate the opportunity that I was given to be able to complete the Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) course and be able to support my colleagues with any mental health struggles they might experience.

ES: I think it takes being a good listener.  No problem is too small and I believe that sometimes just to know that you have been listened to is a big step in the battle against mental health issues.

KC: I like being a MHFA because I like knowing I can be there for people if they ever need to talk. I feel like this is so important in society nowadays.

Q2: What quality sets you apart as a Mental Health First Aider?

JD: Approachable, caring, empathetic, like to help others. The same applies when I’m working. My favourite patients are the old cantankerous ones and if I can get them to smile then that’s a day worthwhile for me!

ES: I consider myself unique because I’m a positive person and believe that positivity can be infectious.

JH: Being able to support people whether its just non-judgemental listening or giving them some advice. My phone is always on to be able to contact me, or even social media.

Q3: What’s your one piece of advice to help de-stress, relax or use as a support mechanism?

JD: Remember to care for yourself. Take time every day to do something you enjoy, even for 5 minutes or half-an-hour. Also learn to say no; it’s not being selfish. If you don’t take care of yourself it’s hard to care for others. After a day at work I like to take my dogs in the woods or to the beach to just enjoy the peace and being outside. It gives me time to reflect on the day.

ES: My one piece of advice would be, make time for you! Plus, always remember there is nothing that you can’t overcome with support.

KC: One way I like to de-stress is by going to the gym, putting my headphones in and listening to Mamma Mia soundtrack (not even kidding). I find working out and having a sing always helps.

JH: There are many ways to de-stress or relax. It doesn’t have to be active, you could simply read a book or listen to a podcast of your choice.

Photo by Daniel Frank:

If you are struggling with any mental health issues then please reach out to Medstrom’s Mental Health First Aiders, who are open and available to offer further support. Alternatively, visit: How to seek help for a mental health problem – Mind