ENLIGHT 2100 is a bedside monitoring device that provides a real-time, dynamic image of air movement within the lungs.
This continuously updated information aids the clinician with making timely and confident clinical decisions.
ENLIGHT measures electrical impedance changes in the lungs by applying a harmless current, via an electrode belt placed around the patient’s chest. The raw data is converted to a live, moving image of regional air distribution, with the colour scale ranging from dark blue (less ventilated) to white (more ventilated). Areas of collapse and hyperinflation are clearly visible.
Intuitive, built-in tools and easy report generation/export can save time, support clinical decision making and help improve outcomes.
The information that ENLIGHT provides can help to reduce the number of X-Rays and CT scans required. As well as decreasing radiation exposure, it can cut down the frequency and associated risks of transporting the patient out of the intensive care unit.
On frame-based lateral tilt beds such as Multicare and Eleganza 5, individualised tilting can be set up to help improve air distribution and open the lungs. The response can then be monitored in real-time with ENLIGHT.
The ventilation screen, in addition to the dynamic lung image (right), displays a map (left) which shows a static image of air distribution. Together with regional ventilation percentages, these show any asymmetries in detail.
The electrodes which measure impedance are built into the electrode belt, giving a thin, flat surface. A wide range of belt sizes ensures ENLIGHT can be used with patients ranging from premature neonates to large adults.
EIT gives a continuous video of air distribution, unlike a CT scan which is a snapshot in time. Both show areas of collapse. Above are CT and EIT images, captured simultaneously in a patient with lobar pneumonia.